Page 56 of our Rust group overview.

This is page number 56 of our Rust group overview. Hopefully you will be able to find the type of Rust group/clan that you are looking for on this page!

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The Outlier Alliance
(100 members)
mentality: semi-serious
min. skill: beginner
activity: very high

I am making “playstyle factions” within my group, where you can join one of my “factions” within my group and play a certain way with a theme and certain tactics like if you are a “grub” that wants to use primitive and numbers to your advantage or if you want to specialize in a faction that uses electrical systems to create intricate base/defense systems and long range tactics/surveillance effectively, etc. (there are currently about 3 or 4 factions/playstyle to choose from, each with their own roles and preferred tactics and load outs and equipment and structure and preferred biome, etc., but one of the factions is also an ally that does not have a set theme so if you would like to be an ally of my group and play with us/you can choose to join a faction later) the 3 factions are: > 1. ***The Bone Tribe** - a primitive focused group (basically a naked zerg on steroids) (prefers forest climates) > > 2. **Blue Union** - Technology focused group that uses long range , electronics, drones, surveillance, diplomacy, and tactics to gain influence (prefer secluded snow biomes) > > 3. **The Engineers** - Vehicle focused "scrapper" group, forms convoys of armored vehicles and strategic use of both air, land, and sea vehicles to their advantage, live in armored garages as bases and are skilled at hit and run tactics and armored support ( prefer wide open desert biomes)* if this sounds interesting to anyone and you are a team player that will be able to cooperate and not run off on your own and cause issues and stuff like that, feel free to reach out as I expect I will have a playstyle that you will find fits you and pairs you with players that work well with you and will be a more fun playstyle.

Platform: PC
Region: North America
Language: English

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