Page 50 of our Rust group overview.

This is page number 50 of our Rust group overview. Hopefully you will be able to find the type of Rust group/clan that you are looking for on this page!

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(1 member)
mentality: semi-serious
min. skill: good
activity: medium

Hey thank you for taking your time to read this message. I am happy to announce im making a small sized rust group for OG fps gamers that have gotten to a certain age. A age that restricts you from playing like you used to, but don’t worry I got you, I got all the answers to your problems. The answer is called Dad clan (even though im not a dad, its still called dad clan). Im here to unite a maximum of 6 experienced Rust players whom are interested in joining a mature friends group. A group in which we play when we can play and there will be no fuzz about leeching or any of that nonsense, because we just want to have fun and play together in a relaxed environment. The only requirements are:
- Very Experienced in rust. around 3k+ hours
- Mature, friendly, fun and a social attitude so about at least 25+
- The its just a game mentality, if we lose we lose its a gg, life goes on.
- Even tho we are still kinda try hard, we do that in a relaxed environment.
- We want each other to have fun, so no fuzz about leeching.
- Everyone wants to put in work in the form of farming.
- No one has to play a certain amount, aiming for 1 wipe of 2 or 3 days in 2 weeks.
- Would be nice if everyone knows a little bit about building, so we always have something to rely on.
- Quality over quantity, i will send applicants a form to fill in, so i can make an appropriate decision. Add me on disc if interested: Alekker#4264

Platform: PC
Region: Europe
Language: English

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