Page 108 of our Rust group overview.

This is page number 108 of our Rust group overview. Hopefully you will be able to find the type of Rust group/clan that you are looking for on this page!

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(1 member)
mentality: serious
min. skill: good
activity: high

Lust is recruiting! Lust Clan Member Requirements • Must be a team player • Must be willing to follow rules, observe hierarchy, and organizing structure • Must be a well rounded player • Must be willing to take criticism • Must review and abide by our code of conduct • Must be an active player, willing to participate in an interview, and if accepted, must be available to participate in the next 2 consecutive wipes • We prefer 16+ Years old (exceptions can be made based on maturity) • Must not have any VAC bans under 1 year old (NO EXCEPTIONS) • We prefer players with 1000+ hours & experience playing as part of a large clan on main scene servers, but exceptions can be made depending on the role you're interested in (see below) • We prefer players with good T2 & T3 sprays (please include clips in your application, if available) Specific Role Requirements Building Team - We prefer at least 1,000+ hours and be prepared to showcase designs (preferably builders sanctuary codes, videos are good too). Material Farming Team – We prefer least 500+ hours Hemp/Berry Farmers – Have at least 500+ hours, know how to breed perfect clones, and be prepared to show your farm base builds (w/ electricity) PvP Team - We prefer 2,000+ hours and team players with a well developed game sense Electricians - We prefer least 500+ hours (must be able to share rustrician links/circuits)

Platform: PC
Region: North America
Language: English

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