Page 100 of our Rust group overview.

This is page number 100 of our Rust group overview. Hopefully you will be able to find the type of Rust group/clan that you are looking for on this page!

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(1 member)
mentality: semi-serious
min. skill: average
activity: very high

Looking for a group size 10 people total, this will be mainly to have some fun as a group but also become the number one clan on a server. There will be a hierarchy in order to promote cooperation and encourage good decision making within the team. This is an 18+ group and you must speak English. You're not required to be on 24/7 but at least an hour a day. The ranks are recruit (active in discord, active in game, actively furthering the advancement of the group), member (have played with the team for 8 or more hours, are reliable in-game, and actively assist with all aspects of base design, material gathering, scrap gathering, etc.), and team leader (you have shown ability in one area of the game where you excel and have proven to be an invaluable asset to the the group as a whole). There are three areas to work in: Farming (wood, stones, metal, sulfur), Gathering & PVP (secure monuments, gather scrap and scout for raids or potential risks), and Base Design & Defense (you are responsible for maintaining the security of our base and making improvements as needed). The farmers will report any potential risks to the gatherers so they can be dealt with, the gatherers will report to the Base Design & Defense team about materials found and what should be done with them, and the Design & Defense team will report to the Farming team in order to ensure necessary materials are gathered.

Platform: PC
Region: North America
Language: English

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