Profile page


mentality: relaxed
skill: good
activity: high

Sick being a lone wolf . Older player looking to team up .

Platforms: Console, Playstation Traits: Active
Region: Europe Last active: 100+ days ago
Languages: English Joined: 690 days ago

(Get in touch with Kevabunga, click the contact button above)


Game knowledge: I am a little knowledgeable
Combat: I can handle myself
Construction: I can make simple bases
Communication: I can hardly get my point across
Tactics: I can work out some fine tactics
Leadership: I am a good leader


Platforms: Console, Playstation
Region: Europe
Languages: English
Traits: Active
Last active: 100+ days ago
Joined: 690 days ago

Get in touch with Kevabunga, click the contact button below.



Group Role Size Age
Me myself n aye Owner 2 679 days
Solo looking for a team 900hrs Owner 1 629 days
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