Profile page


mentality: pro
skill: expert
activity: very high

4000+ hours, Play au upsurge mondays), (upsurge main), (upsurge solo duo trio) (Vital Au 10x)etc , Builder and pvper I play to much

Platforms: PC Traits: Competitive
Region: Oceania Last active: 100+ days ago
Languages: English Joined: 820 days ago

(Get in touch with BobTheBuilder, click the contact button above)


Game knowledge: I am an expert
Combat: zergs should be afraid of me
Construction: I am an ingenious base builder
Communication: I excel at communicating
Tactics: I can outsmart most people with my tactics
Leadership: people seem to follow me automatically


Platforms: PC
Region: Oceania
Languages: English
Traits: Competitive
Last active: 100+ days ago
Joined: 820 days ago

Get in touch with BobTheBuilder, click the contact button below.



Group Role Size Age
Raze Owner 1 820 days
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