Group page


mentality: serious
min. skill: good
activity: high

Hey, Glorious clan are looking for new members The clan currently consists of about 12 members (all eu), and we are aged between 18-31 years and have 1000+ hours up to 6k hours, we play to have fun and win and we're therefore not looking for trolls squekers or anything. we play a little differentl, at the moment rusty moose We are looking for PVPs, Farmers and Builders.

Platform: PC Size: 1 member
Region: Europe Age: 1177 days
Language: English 2nd language: None
Apply now!

(This group is open to new applications)


If you want to join GLORIOUS you have to fit the following requirements:

  1. 18+
  2. dont be toxic
  3. must shut up when told comms
  4. no trolling
  5. must respect the others in the clan
  6. must be active
  7. must not be afk 24/7
  8. (pvp'ers) 1500+ hours (exceptions can be made)
  9. (pvp'ers) must have clips of spray or 1v1 one of us
  10. (pvp'ers) must be able to spray ak and mp5 and also t2 guns like tommy etc.
  11. (pvp'ers) must be willing to farm if necessary
  12. (farmers) 500+ hours
  13. (farmers) must be able to use t2 guns
  14. (farmers) must farm when missing
  15. (builder) 1000+ hours exclusively build experience
  16. (builder) must be able to showcase clan base designs (NOT YT BASE DESIGNS)
  17. (builder) must have decent spray with t2 and preferably t3 guns

Registered members (1):

User Contact Rep Skill Role Last active
User - 0 Unknown Owner 100+ days ago
Report this group


Platform: PC
Region: Europe
Language: English
2nd language: None
Size: 1 member
Age: 1177 days

This group is open to new applications.

Apply now!