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mentality: serious
min. skill: average
activity: high

Spray them down is recruiting!! Base Reqs -18 years or older -good mic -can listen -some exceptions can be made on hours Farmer requirements -500 hours + -100m ak and t2 spray -Farms when asked -during online raid def you rocket fobs -can hold your own while farming PVP/Monument Team -2k+ hours -Protects farmers -Runs Monuments -125m ak spray -clear call outs -during onlines defenses you push breach Builders 2k+ hours (not only on build servers lol) -No youtube bases -works well with other builders -Seals during raids electricians/industrialist -1k+ hours -can set up turrets early wipe -early e-furnaces -auto sort+ craft -clean wiring -helps builders -must show circuit work

Platform: PC Size: 20 members
Region: North America Age: 17 days
Language: English 2nd language: None
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(This group is open to new applications and allows you to join their Discord directly)


If you want to join STD you have to fit the following requirements:

  1. STD is recruiting!! Base Reqs -18 years or older -good mic -can listen -some exceptions can be made on hours Farmer requirements -500 hours + -100m ak and t2 spray -Farms when asked -during online raid def you rocket fobs -can hold your own while farming PVP/Monument Team -2k+ hours -Protects farmers -Runs Monuments -125m ak spray -clear call outs -during onlines defenses you push breach Builders 2k+ hours (not only on build servers lol) -No youtube bases -works well with other builders -Seals during raids electricians/industrialist -1k+ hours -can set up turrets early wipe -early e-furnaces -auto sort+ craft -clean wiring -helps builders -must show circuit work

Registered members (1):

User Contact Rep Skill Role Last active
User - 0 Unknown Owner 17 days ago
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Platform: PC
Region: North America
Language: English
2nd language: None
Size: 20 members
Age: 17 days

This group is open to new applications and allows you to join their Discord directly.

Apply now!
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