GTR MASS RECRUITING WE PLAY 10X -18+ Years Old -Have good comms -Be active for wipe -Dont be a squeaker -Past clan experience PVP/Monument Team -150-200 AK | T2 75-100m -Show your clips or montages -Have event experience - roams/maze/Koth Builder: -125-150 AK | T2 50-75m -Be willing to build bases that aint yours -Have past building experience for clans -Be able to show builds -Once base is done you can do whatever you want Electrician: -75-100m AK -turrets need to be down ASAP -advanced circuit need to be shown in tryout -Once electrics are done you can do whatever Farm/Base -Farm when told -listen to builders -organise and help out around base -70M AK - no exceptions DM ME FOR INV
Platform: PC | Size: 10 members |
Region: North America | Age: 542 days |
Language: English | 2nd language: English |
(This group is open to new applications)
If you want to join GTR you have to fit the following requirements:
- 2000+ hours
- 18+ years of age or older!
- No recent game bans
- Have good game knowledge
- Know monuments
- Work together (No lone raiders)
- Good comms and clear comms when needed!
Registered members (1):
User | Role |
Lagged.Out | Owner |
This group is open to new applications.