Group page

Scrap ambessy

mentality: serious
min. skill: average
activity: high

Looking for 3 more players to play quad servers. I prefer Vanilla, but I’m also open to play 2x sometimes. My goal is to control objectives on the map, and have fun in the meantime. We can assign roles as well, but I hope to get players that function as an all rounder. Also please have at least 500hours, I myself am 23 so I wish to get teammates that are at least 20

Platform: PC Size: 1 member
Region: Europe Age: 25 days
Language: English 2nd language: None
Apply now!

(This group is open to new applications)


If you want to join Scrap ambessy you have to fit the following requirements:

  1. 500h
  2. 20y+
  3. Be online on wipeday

Registered members (1):

User Contact Rep Skill Role Last active
radzsmi - 0 Average Owner 13 days ago
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Platform: PC
Region: Europe
Language: English
2nd language: None
Size: 1 member
Age: 25 days

This group is open to new applications.

Apply now!