Group page

Run 1s with the boys

mentality: semi-serious
min. skill: average
activity: high

We are a new 18+ group that spawned from a very successful clan after a 3 year run. We are actively recruiting shooters only at the moment. We don't care about your game hours, but you must have an ability to win 1v1s repeatedly. You also must possess a decent game IQ in group combat situations. Lastly, it's our group dynamic that makes us successful. We don't want toxic players on our coms or in our core. If you rage quit or crash out constantly, this ain't the team for you.

Platform: Playstation Size: 1 member
Region: North America Age: 51 days
Language: English 2nd language: None
Apply now!

(This group is open to new applications)


If you want to join Run 1s with the boys you have to fit the following requirements:

  1. Are you over 18 years old?
  2. Can you fight in a team scenario?
  3. Can you win multiple 1v1s?
  4. Do you rage quit, or crash out?

Registered members (1):

User Contact Rep Skill Role Last active
User - 0 Unknown Owner 45 days ago
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Platform: Playstation
Region: North America
Language: English
2nd language: None
Size: 1 member
Age: 51 days

This group is open to new applications.

Apply now!