Group page


mentality: semi-serious
min. skill: average
activity: high

We are an upcoming clan that likes enjoying the various parts of the game. We are looking for: Farmers, PvP'ers and Builders.

Platform: PC Size: 7 members
Region: Europe Age: 34 days
Language: English 2nd language: Dutch
Apply now!

(This group is open to new applications)


If you want to join Aegopolis you have to fit the following requirements:

  1. You need to have a minimum of 300hrs on Rust.
  2. You need to have microphone access, good communication between team members.
  3. You need to be active for at least 20hrs per week.
  4. You need to be 18+.
  5. No existing VAC bans on your account.

Registered members (3):

User Contact Rep Skill Role Last active
Eleaux - 0 Average Admin 3 days ago
WillieTwentyThree - 0 Good Admin 16 days ago
Clouds - 0 Good Owner 3 days ago
Report this group


Platform: PC
Region: Europe
Language: English
2nd language: Dutch
Size: 7 members
Age: 34 days

This group is open to new applications.

Apply now!