Group page

Skill Clan

mentality: serious
min. skill: good
activity: high

——— SKILL CLAN IS RECRUITING———- About us : -We play 10x Clans servers -We play on EU servers Overall Requirements: -20+ Years Old (Some Exceptions For maturity.) -On for Wipe Days/Good Game sense. -Have Clear Comms and no selfish egos (We are a competitive group and play as a team) -Experience -3k hours minimum (Exceptions depending on skill) -Looking for a VERY Active players - We Play on diffrent modded servers we announce which server we play on our discord server Team Roles -We play together as a team all farm/pvp no roles we are one team. We are a active team, competitive team who still understand when to have fun. The only Rule is to listen to your clan leaders for a more organized game play plan Please message your hours, daily hours played and clips if able, thank you! Discord : orhansuper#6659

Platform: PC Size: 2 members
Region: Europe Age: 548 days
Language: English 2nd language: None
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(This group is open to new applications and allows you to join their Discord directly)


If you want to join Skill Clan you have to fit the following requirements:

  1. Hours : 2k +
  2. Age : 20 + (Exceptions for maturity)
  3. Region : EU
  4. Hours/Day : At least 2h on weekday and 4h on weekend (Inform to leaders if going to be absent)
  5. Be Mature.

Registered members (1):

User Contact Rep Skill Role Last active
User - 0 Unknown Owner 100+ days ago
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Platform: PC
Region: Europe
Language: English
2nd language: None
Size: 2 members
Age: 548 days

This group is open to new applications and allows you to join their Discord directly.

Apply now!
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