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Looking for a tight lil group
mentality: semi-serious
min. skill: average
activity: high
Looking to team up for the first time, ive got 3.1k hours as a solo and its boring now. looking for a tight little 3 man? or even just 1 person on my wave length lol... im 28 from the uk and i can play a lot.. dont mind what server just want to team up
Platform: PC | Size: 1 member |
Region: Europe | Age: 73 days |
Language: English | 2nd language: None |
(This group is open to new applications)
If you want to join Looking for a tight lil group you have to fit the following requirements:
- Must be 18+
- Preferably from the uk so ours time match?
Registered members (1):
User | Role |
User | Owner |
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Platform: PC
Region: Europe
Language: English
2nd language: None
Size: 1 member
Age: 73 days
This group is open to new applications.