Group page

Rebels of Rust

mentality: semi-serious
min. skill: beginner
activity: very high

A small group of 4 playing RUSTORIA MAIN, we have the experience, we have the teamwork. But do we have what it takes to play on one of the most competitive servers in RUST? OVER 600 players. Its Not for newbies, you will cry, you will bleed, and you will die... -We are a group of 20+ year olds, we have some older dudes rolling with us too -We have an average of 6-8 guys depending on schedule -We are mostly in the 1000hrs+ class -We will cover your back -WE NEED YOUR HELP We are looking for members for wipe day june 1st, 11am pst, 2pm est. -You have 400+ hrs plus -Contribute to the team -play for 4+ hrs for the next two days

Platform: PC Size: 4 members
Region: North America Age: 711 days
Language: English 2nd language: None
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(This group is open to new applications and allows you to join their Discord directly)


If you want to join Rebels of Rust you have to fit the following requirements:

  1. must be on for wipe, no exceptions. next wipe is 5/4/23
  2. must be 18+
  3. must play for 4+ hrs/day

Registered members (1):

User Contact Rep Skill Role Last active
cove boi - 0 Unknown Owner 100+ days ago
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Platform: PC
Region: North America
Language: English
2nd language: None
Size: 4 members
Age: 711 days

This group is open to new applications and allows you to join their Discord directly.

Apply now!
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